Ten money tips to make ends meet

You may be worried about your finances, especially now that energy prices are high. How do you get through this period financially? We are happy to help you with these tips to prevent you from having money worries. 

On the right, you see an overview of all money tips.

1. Are you worried about money?

Don't keep worrying, but see who can help you with money matters. Such as local volunteers or the municipality. Are you stuck? Then call 0800-8115 for free advice.

2. Always pay your fixed costs and on time

Fixed costs are, for example, your (health) insurance, rent, mortgage (interest and repayment), energy bill and interest and repayment on a loan. Make sure you always pay these on time, just like your taxes. Check your bank balance and your payments regularly.

Do you see that a payment for fixed costs has failed? Call the company you should have paid to, pay the amount as soon as possible or agree a payment arrangement. This saves fines and collection costs.

3. Check what you are entitled to

You are often entitled to more provisions or allowances than you think. Or you may qualify for perks for your children or waiver of local charges. Use the links below to find out.

Do you find it difficult to arrange things online? Then visit a Digital Government Information Point, which is located in many libraries.

4. Apply for an energy allowance and save energy

Low-income households can apply for an energy allowance from their municipality. The amount for this has been increased to €1300. You can also apply for this if you have a job if your monthly net income is less than € 1,310.05 (single person) or € 1,871.50 (cohabitant), including holiday allowance. Go to  geldfit.nl/energie to find out  how you can apply for the energy allowance.

Even if you do not qualify for the energy surcharge, you probably want more control over your energy bill. Check out our tips. 

5. Where is your money going?

Use our step-by-step plan to list your income and expenses.

6. See what you can save on

Do you want to find out what you can cut back on? Then use Nibud's saving tips. Or fill in the personal budget advice.

7. Don't be tempted into impulse purchases

It may be tempting to go shopping or to buy new clothes or other stuff online. Ask yourself if you really need that stuff, if it can be done cheaper and see if you can buy some stuff later or second hand. 

8. Do you have less income? See if you can find a (side) job

There are many vacancies in all kinds of sectors. Below you will find an overview of links to websites that help you find a (temporary) job. Or contact the apprenticeship counter in your region, they will think along for free about training, job opportunities and training budgets.

9. Borrowing Money and Debt

Do you have financial problems and are you considering taking out a loan? Also view our page with information about loans and debts.

10. Watch out for suspicious emails, texts and apps

Criminals sometimes pretend to be an official organization, such as your bank, internet provider, or family or friend. In this way they try to get money or personal data. Don't fall for it and read more on these websites:
